I would play for eight hours a day and that became my obsession.”Īfter shooting began in early 2020, Luhrmann gushed about Butler’s take on the role, which would be daunting for any actor. I got a guitar when I was 13 and fell in love. “I started playing the violin when I was in elementary school. “I play the guitar and I play the piano, and my first instrument was the violin,” he told Interview magazine in October 2019. Though the California native is known for his roles in movies including Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and The Dead Don’t Die, he also has a musical background perfectly suited for playing a rock ‘n’ roll icon. In July 2019, Austin Butler landed the role of the “Jailhouse Rock” singer after a highly publicized search process. The Moulin Rouge! director also cowrote the screenplay for the film, simply titled Elvis. All shook up! Elvis Presley fans have been dreaming of Baz Luhrmann‘s biopic since it was first announced in 2014, and seven years later, the wait is almost over.