“One of the men had a scar just under his belly button but there were no other distinguishable marks. “They were undoubtedly wealthy, both were wearing expensive looking suits, which they took off to reveal a middle-aged spread around the waist. However, it showed two men with the boy who were only seen from the neck down. The video had no audio, so we couldn’t pick up voices or accents. “A WPC matched photos we had taken of the flat with one particular video showing a young white boy of about 11 being raped. “At the time we had a number of officers who had the unenviable task of watching a number of pornographic videos, including those featuring children, which had been seized in Soho. “We had the lights and cameras tested but nothing came back – but forensic tests 30 years ago were not nearly as thorough as they are now. The camera was set up between two chairs and was focused on a patch of floor in the middle of the room. He said last night: “The lights and the camera looked professional and expensive, worth a few thousand pounds but they’d been discarded.